zurueckgelegte Strecke

2 Kommentare:

  1. HI Helmut, what happened ? The trip cuts off in January 2016 ? I have been following your progress and suddenly you dissapeard.

  2. Hi, after cycling one month in Myanmar i returned to Bangkok.
    I decided to quit cycling, rent a scooter and cruised one month through Thailand.
    After that, i flew to Sumatra, bought a scooter in Medan and rode it 3000 km in Sumatra.
    After 2 month i had an accident (heavy excoriations at legs and arms and broken toes) at Lake Toba.
    Unfortunately my wounds didn't heal, so in may 2016 i decided to fly back to europe...
    Today i'm fully recovered, only a few scars are left.. :)
